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Read Readln              Reads List of Values

 Read(<var list>);
 Readln(<var list>);
 Read(var TFile : text; <var list>);
 Readln(var TFile : text; <var list);
 Read(var DFile : file of <type>; var Item : <type>);                    [TP]

    Reads data into the specified variable(s). If no file is specified,
    reads in from the predefined file variable Input, which (by default)
    is assigned to the keyboard (CON:). If a text file is specified, reads
    in from that text file, which must have been previously opened for
    input (using Assign and Reset). If a data file (file of <type>) is
    specified, then reads the next component into Item.

      <var list>    Optional list of variables, separated by commas, into
                    which data are read. Allowable types are Integer,
                    Real, Char, and string.

           TFile    Text file

           DFile    A data file.

          <type>    Any type except a file type.

            Item    A variable of <type>.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           while not EOLN(TFile) do

See Also: Assign Reset Write Get Input CON EOF EOLN
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson